Allotment plan 2007
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Have made a plan - in pencil of course!
Bed 1 - roots (carrots, parsnip) intercropped with salad onions and lettuce
Bed 2 - brassicas (purple sprouting brocolli, calabrese)
Bed 3 - legumes (early broad beans, runner beans, mange toutes) and one zucchini
Bed 4 - half potatoes, half squash, corn and tomatoes
Bed 5 - onions, garlic, misc.
Bed 6 - legumes (manges toutes)
plus seedbed, two zuccini squares, iris & herbs bed
Plus sitting area, compost bins etc.
Have made a plan - in pencil of course!
Bed 1 - roots (carrots, parsnip) intercropped with salad onions and lettuce
Bed 2 - brassicas (purple sprouting brocolli, calabrese)
Bed 3 - legumes (early broad beans, runner beans, mange toutes) and one zucchini
Bed 4 - half potatoes, half squash, corn and tomatoes
Bed 5 - onions, garlic, misc.
Bed 6 - legumes (manges toutes)
plus seedbed, two zuccini squares, iris & herbs bed
Plus sitting area, compost bins etc.