Noting warnings about the danger of windburn to plants, I'm planning a windbreak for the south-west corner of the allotment. I do like the
windbreak netting sold at Two Wests but that is still a bit dear at £2.10 per metre, so I got some cheapo net curtains for £2 from a charity shop, two pieces, each about 1m x 3m for the time being, as I'm trying to not choose inputs to the allotment which cost cash as the whole idea is digengaging from the cash economy as far as possible. So that net will be the first step windbreak, probably on garden wires strung between two posts, combined with some
Buddleia davidii cuttings. Planning to
take hardwood cuttings of mature wood of the current season's growth, 15 - 20cm long, and propogate them in a frame in a mix of compost, sharp sand and vermiculite. Probably should have taken them earlier, in October/November, but with the current very mind winter I hope taking them now (January) will be OK. Will do the potting up of the cuttings today and possibly sewing hems along the curtains...