Monday, May 01, 2006

Cloche made from branches & keyhole seedbed

The new environmesh cloche for the brassica seed bed is made of three large branches from an overgrown buddlea tree. When cut down they were curved, so I have stripped them of leaves and branches and just pushed them into the earth, and covered them with an environmesh square which is held down at its edges with pieces of wood.

Today was also a day for tacking some early weeds - especially thistles in relation to which we have no mercy! Started off the compost bin. Bringing kitchen waste and ash from home seems a bit odd, but I'm sure it will sooner or later become routine.

Also did some thinning in the back garden at home, in the "keyhole bed" - this is a permaculture term describing a circular garden with a path leading into the center. It gives you the maximum amount of accessible garden for the minimum amount of path. Mine is not exactly circular due to the surrounding paths - but it seves the same function with the centre path!


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