Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Reclusive Other Half of the Allotment Team

More digging of beds, including the claggy bed which lies to the north end of the plot. Most of the soil on site is good, but this bit is wet and heavy. I thought it was clay but a friendly allotmenteer said it was chalk, you can tell by the light colour! A little googling and I now know my soil is the bodily remains of generations of tiny sea creatures. The good news is the spinach beet should do fine. The bad news is that I will be trundling barrowloads of horse muck from the pile at the bottom of the allotments to my plot at the top for many days to come!

Originally wanted to put peas (mange toutes) in this bed as it may be a bit shady due to the tree. But now thinking about putting in early spuds instead (on Good Friday, as is the tradition) to break up the ground. The peas will need to go elsewhere though, as we love to eat these so need to grow lots!

"Other Half" heriocally mastered the art of building a wooden frame for a raised bed. But camera was forgotten so pics of that will have to wait. But here's a flavour from yesterday...


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